Dear Classmates,
I hope this finds everyone healthy and happy! Attached, please find, the Minutes of the last Class Planning Group Meeting - Conference and the Agenda for the next. The next Meetng - Conference will be March 9th, 8:00 pm, Denise Lewis will host the Skype conference. There are a number of developing items for discussion and possible decisions. One item just came in as New Business last Meeting - a picnic on the 4th of July to be hosted by our class and open with invitation to all alumni. Derego-Brown/Olenik are Co-Chairing the planning effort. Also, we still have 2010 Homecoming in planning with Skinner and Derego-Brown Co-Chairing the planning on that one.Also,also, we have the Class Scholarshlip Program ramping up for this year. There is further detail in the attachments. We had a good number of Classmates in attendance at the last Conference but there is always room for more. Attend if you can! Best wishes, always!!!!!! Wolverine-On! T
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-4), 8:00 PM, February 23, 2010
Call to Order – Tufts, Lewis, D. hosting Skype
Roll Call
Lewis, D.
Call for Reading of the Agenda – There was no Call for Reading
Old Business
Class Bench and Time Capsule – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Formslag, reported there has not been communication with Principal Oslund regarding Bench design/installation location preferences of the School, Formslag will continue to pursue; There was no discussion
Class Scholarship Program – Reed/Formslag/Marlett/Snider-Herrick/Tufts; No report was provided; Reed/Formslag will feedback nest Meeting regarding options for storage of Class funds; There was no further discussion
“67 Again in Ten” (Class Get-Together 2010) – Motion, Tufts; Second,Formslag; pass, unanimous – seat Skinner and Derego-Brown as co-chair persons for development of “67 Again in Ten” Class Get-Together; Co-Chairs will bring options/recommendations to the next Meeting – Conference; there was no further discussion
Treasurer's Report - Runyan (T)/Formslag(DT); Runyan was unavailable to report; Formslag (DT), Reported treasury figures were not available through him, however, there is no change in account balance, funds continue to be housed with Runyan; Group, unanimously accepted the Deputy Treasurer's report, directed Deputy Treasurer to continue to manage Class funds in the manner with which the Treasurer has been proceeding
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM)/;Lewis, D.(Deputy BM); Olenik reported the Class BLOG has been updated, There has been substantial interest voiced over electronic media in favor of a get-together event on the 4th of July; Group, discussion, comments of thanks to Olenik for maintaining the Class BLOG
New Business
4th of July Bar-B-Q – Derego-Brown, introduced concept for consideration of a 4th of July Bar-B-Q, not to replace the “Again in Ten” Homecoming Get-Together, to be hosted, for invitation of all Wolverine alumni, by the Class of '67; Group, discussed understanding of a broad interest in such an event, decision to have the event as presented by Derego-Brown, decision to seat Derego-Brown and Olenik as co-chairs for development of the event, discussed various venues with focus on preventing friction with those extant programs at the rodeo grounds and grove, made a tentative decision to prioritize the School as the prefered venue for the event, decision to title the event as a “picnic” so as not to conflict by appearance of competition is “Bar-B-Q's” by others; Tufts, recommendation to menu and serve “Green and Gold” dogs to be garnished with relish and mustard and/or a “Wolverine” burger which “bites back” with green and gold onions; direction to Co-Chairs to return next Meeting – Conference with planning options/recommendations for the event; Co-chairs requested communication to the Class requesting ideas for the event be directed to Derego-Brown; Group, direction to Tufts to communicate to the Class as per request of the Co-Chairs
“For the Good of the Class” - Tufts, reported Runyan's condition is improving, he will receive phone calls/may be back next Meeting – Conference, Marlett is helping his family with tasks, will return next Meeting Conference, Snider-Herrick is dealing with a severe cough, anticipates returning next Meeting-Conference; Reed, reported he may be flying to the “March Meet” nostalgia Drag Race at Bakersfield, plane seats are available at cost share; Formslag, reported he is now on line; Lewis,D., reported she has lost 100 lbs, feels great, now in a size 7 dress; Skinner, thanked the Group for work done, reported looking forward to 4th of July and Homecoming
Meeting Schedule – Group, confirmed next Meeting – Conference will be a Skype conference to begin 8:00 PM, March 9, 2010 (2nd Tuesday); Lewis, D. to host Skype
The Meeting was adjourned
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-5), 8:00 PM, March 9, 2010
Call to Order
Roll Call
Call for Reading of the Agenda
Approval of Minutes 0-4
Old Business:
Class Bench/Time Capsule – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Formslag, feedback report on communication with Principal Oslund regarding the School's preferences for Bench design and installation location; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/directions
Class Scholarship Program – Reed/Formslag/Marlett/Snider-Herrick/Tufts; Reed/Formslag, report regarding options (pros and cons) for storage of Class funds; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / Direction(s)
“67 Again in Ten” (Class Homecoming Get-Together) – Skinner/Derego-Brown (Co-C); possible feedback report regarding event options; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
4th of July Picnic – Derego-Brown/Olenik (Co-C); feedback report regarding planning options/recommendations for the event; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T)/Formslag(DT); update Report; Group, possible discussion, Accept/Reject Treasurer's Report, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM)/Lewis, D. (DBM); update Report; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
New Business – No New Business was requested to be agendized for this Meeting -Conference
“For the Good of the Class” - Group, open comments/discussion of any nature having value to the Willits High School – Wolverine - Class of 1967, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
Meeting Schedule – Next Meeting – Conference: 8:00 PM, March 9, 2010 (regular 2nd Tuesday); Group, confirm next Meeting – Conference schedule
Adjourn Meeting