Dear Classmates,
Hope this finds everyone well! It seems like just 41 years ago we were all at the School. Now I think it's something like 41 hours and we'll be there again. Doesn't sound like we've made much progress. 41 years and we're going right back where we started. Could be a lot worse though. At least we have a great place and great memories to which to return. (Is that right or correct?)(Where's Rockefeller when you need her) I am looking greatly forward to seeing everyone. I will try my dangedest to make the Rendezvous Saturday night at the Broiler. I have a pretty fair set of "May Pop" tires on Old Paint so am hoping the drive goes uneventfully. If I don't get there, please, punch Olenik and Runyan in the arm for me and I will see you all Sunday. Best regards! T