Friday, August 29, 2008

We are hours away from the 41st!!!

Dear Classmates,
Hope this finds everyone well! It seems like just 41 years ago we were all at the School. Now I think it's something like 41 hours and we'll be there again. Doesn't sound like we've made much progress. 41 years and we're going right back where we started. Could be a lot worse though. At least we have a great place and great memories to which to return. (Is that right or correct?)(Where's Rockefeller when you need her) I am looking greatly forward to seeing everyone. I will try my dangedest to make the Rendezvous Saturday night at the Broiler. I have a pretty fair set of "May Pop" tires on Old Paint so am hoping the drive goes uneventfully. If I don't get there, please, punch Olenik and Runyan in the arm for me and I will see you all Sunday. Best regards! T