World's Greatest Classmates,
Hope all well! I am attaching the Minutes for the regular first Tuesday of the month Class Planning Group Meeting - Conference. However, before you go to the Minutes I want to tell you the weekend get-together was SUPERB!
Great time at the ballgame, the "Class Float was the hit of halftime and the entire attending '67 Class walked with the float as it passed the grandstands for review, the '67 cheering section was a very ajor contributor to the Wolverine win (ripped 'em a new one), Class picture taken on the field after the game, had a very enjoyable and informative time.
Saturday, under nice weather, at the County museum and "Roots of Motive Power' exhibits (great train ride in the caboose, too), the Class 60th Birthdays Party was an absolute "kick" - great people, great food, super great door prizes with the grand prize going to husband Marshal of Classmate Tamme Tucker-Thompson. However, as a special note - Mitchell Hood may well have received the best door prize and we all thought he might laugh himself into oblivion, we had guests from various other (lesser) classes: '65, '66, '68, '73 as well as The Class.
The evening generated some $1471 for the Class Scholarship Fund with everyone getting involved in a superlative group gesture of giving including everything Huddle had in his wallet (cleaned the boy right out!), Check the Class BLOG for pictures and details. By the way, Butch Lewis (it is reported) gave Formslag a $20 bill in the form of a bribe to keep Bruce from publishing a picture of Butch picking his nose at the Party. The picture was taken and is the property of Runyan who advises the photo will be available to the Class for review. BLOG???
The Scholarship fund is now $1599.25. There were various donations made throughout the weekend, at breakfast, etc. (Snider-Herrick and Rousseu-Buch have both dropped $67 on the treasury in the name of the Class - Cool!) The Class Treasurer, Runyan, will accept any donation, in any amount, in the name of anybody, from anyone - don't hesitate if you feel so inclined.
We are going to really have a good Scholarship Program for this Spring! There was a good Class Business Meeting over breakfast Sunday morning - attended by many Classmates (and significant others) and some reps from other classes (Not sure if they are experiencing Class envy or have been shunned by their own but it was nice have their enthusiastic comments for consideration).
The next Class Planning Group Meeting - Conference will be the regular 3rd Tuesday, 8:30 PM, November 17, 2009; Runyan will host the Skype conference. Again, hope all well, '67-On!!!!!!!!!!! T
PS - " '67 again in Ten" has been adopted for next years Class get-together...get ready to be there!
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (9-25), 8:30 PM, November 3, 2009
Call to Order – Tufts, Runyan hosting Skype
Roll Call:
Lewis, D.
Call for Reading of the Agenda – There was no Call for Reading
Old Business:
Homecoming and Class 60th Birthdays Party – Olenik/Tufts (co-C)/All Members; Coordinators closing reports, all Coordinators reported no further business; Group, discussion/decision item may be closed as complete with direction to Tufts to send “Thank You” sentiments to Principal Oslund and Bob Colvig at the School and to Chris Baldo at the Roots of Motive Power (Runyan to provide addressing information), decision/direction to Tufts to place a “Class Sweatshirts” item on the next Class Planning Group Meeting – Conference Agenda under New Business; Group discussion/decision, the Homecoming and Class 60th Birthdays party event was an overwhelming success, decision to pursue planning of a year 2010 Class get-together event with Homecoming as the anchor activity and, possibly, with installation of the Class of '67 Bench and Time Capsule included in the event schedule; discussion/decision/direction(Tucker-Thompson - motion/Lewis, D. - 2nd/unanimous) to Tufts to send e-mail communication to the Class providing a synopsis history of the Homecoming and Class 60th Birthday Party get-together, a plan projection of next year's event, and an invitation to participate in damnations to the Class Scholarship Fund for the 2010 award(s)
Class Scholarship Program – Snider-Herrick (EC)/Formslag/Marlett/Runyan/Tufts; Snider-Herrick, opened discussion regarding a desire to increase the number of applicants seeking funding to pursue technical/certificate programs; Group, discussion/decision to institute program elements to foster increases in technical/certificate program applicants; Reed/Snider-Herrick, opened discussion
of consideration to change the name of the Class award(s) from “Scholarship” to “Grant”; Group, discussion/decision to continue to make our Class award(s) as “Scholarship”; Tucker-Thompson, opened discussion regarding preference for one single large award as opposed to multiple smaller awards; Group, discussion/decision to poll the Class as foundation information to be used in decision /
MINUTES, Group Meeting – Conference (9-25), 8:30 PM, November3, 2009
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Class Scholarship Program (continued) – direction to Tufts to poll the Class via e-mail to determine Class preference regarding a single larger vs multiple smaller Class Scholarship awards; Formslag, feedback report re storing Class funds with the Willits Rotary Club, no further update from Bruce Burton for the Rotary Club, Formslag will communicate the Class' continued interest and seek further dialog/feedback, item will be moved forward to the November 17, 2009 agenda
Class Bench/Time Capsule Project – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Runyan, presented overview of Project Schedule; Group, discussion/decision/direction to Runyan to target the 2010 Homecoming weekend for installation of the Class Bench and Time Capsule;
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T); update Report, the Class fund saw incomes of: $1471 (Class Birthday Party proceeds), $67 donation (Buche), $61.25 (Breakfast donations), expenditures of: $404 (Class 60th Birthday Party rental/preparations); current fund balance: $1599.25; Group, discussion/decision to accept the Treasurer's Report, direction to the Treasurer to continue to control Class funds in the manner with which he has been proceeding
BLOG Manger's Report – Olenik (BM) was unavailable to report
New Business:
“ '67 Again in Ten” - Tufts (for Skinner); Tufts, introduction of concept for year 2010 Class get-together event title: “ '67 again in Ten”; Group, discussion/decision (Snider-Herrick – motion/Runyan - 2nd/unanimous) to adopt “ '67 again in Ten” as the title for the year 2010 Class get-together event
“For the Good of the Class” - Runyan, noted Butch Lewis had paid $20 in the form of a bribe to Formslag to not publish a photograph of Lewis picking his nose at the Class 60th Birthdays Party, noted, also, the picture was taken and is the proprietary property of Runyan and will be published (check Class BLOG – future), Runyan will forward all get-together pictures to Olenik for the Class BLOG, Buletti-Wharton, commented she can not wait for next year's get-together and noted “we used to be Classmates but we are now friends”, Group, wishes to thank Mitchel Hood and his wife for the fun they added to the weekend (noted, Mitchell received a terrific door prize at the Class Birthdays Party, '67-On!~ Mitchell); Tucker-Thompson – reported she had an “incredible time” at the get-together, generated much discussion/comment in the Group – Great time had by all/great job done with the Scholarship fund;
Meeting Schedule – Group; confirmed next Meeting will be the regular 3rd Tuesday Class Planning Group Meeting – Conference, 8:30 PM, November 17, 2009, Runyan will host Skype
The Meeting was adjourned