Dear Classmates,
Hope everyone is doing OK! The Agenda for the next Class Planning Meeting - Conference is posted, below. The Group is continuing work on the Class of '67 Scholarship and the Class Mapping Program. There is a New Business item this meeting to open initial discussion on a get-together event for Homecoming '09. There will, also, be update reports from the Treasurer and the BLOG Manager.
The Group is getting larger but there is still PLENTY of room for Classmates. It would be great to have everyone involved to share thoughts. The meeting will start at 8 PM on Tuesday January 20th. Ken will host a Skype conference. If you would like some coaching (I needed a lot) give Ken a call, 707-354-1864. He has helped a number of Classmates get set up. The download is cost free. Another avenue is to participate via telephone or in person through a Classmate with Skype.
On another note, Fred wants everyone to be aware the Class blog is available for the posting of any item having value to the Class. Just e-mail (or phone) Fred with your info. Lastly, I am looking for suggestions. I have been having trouble with non ''67-types touching and even using my "41st Reunion" cup. One '68 in particular has really been pushing it!!! Please advise thoughts, I can't take much more of it.
Luvya's, T

Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (9-2), 8 PM, January 20, 2009
Call to Order
Roll Call
Call for Reading of the Agenda
Approval of MINUTES, January 6, 2009
Old Business:
Class of '67 Scholarship Program – Snider-Herrick (EC)/Burton-James/Olenik/Reed, Technical update report; possible Group discussion/recommendation(s)
Class “Where's Waldo” Program – Formslag (C)/Leishman/Runyan, status report; possible Group discussion/recommendation(s)
Leishman, Dynamic Map technical update report; possible Group discussion/recommendation
Runyan, Static Map technical update report, possible Group discussion/recommendation(s)
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik, update report; possible Group discussion/decision/direction
Treasurer's Report – Runyan, update report
Group, receive Treasurer's Report, possible discussion; accept/reject Report
New Business:
Homecoming '09 Event – Olenik, presentation of concept; possible Group discussion /
decision(s) / direction
decision(s) / direction
AGENDA, Group Meeting – Conference (9-2), 8 PM, January 20, 2009
“For the Good of the Class” - Group, open comments/discussion of any nature valuable to the Class, possible Group decision(s)/direction(s)
Meeting Schedule – Next Meeting: 8 PM, February 3, 2009, (first Tuesday); Group,
confirm next Meeting schedule
Adjourn Meeting

Circa 1967 Cell Phone
Hello everyone,
Hope this finds everyone well! Posted below are the Minutes of the last Class Planning Group Meeting - Conference. Please note there is a committee working on a Class "Where's Waldo" Program. The Program Goal is to provide the Class with a mapping of the home-place of each Classmate. Two formats are being undertaken. Formslag is Chairing the committee. Leishman is working technically to develop a Google Earth map with everyone's pictures (both from the yearbook and current) placed on the map where the live. Lee needs a current picture of everyone. So, if you did not attend the 41st Reunion, PLEASE, send a current picture of yourself to Lee. e-mail to Lee or any one active on the Planning Group. Runyan is going to privide a Static Map and will liaison with Olenik to get it on the Class blog. Speakng of the Class blog.
Fred would like to remind everyone the Class blog is available to all Classmates for the posting of any item of interest or value to the Class. Just e-mail Fred and he will put your submittal on the blog. Great stuff!!! Also of note, the Planning group has gained some god strength with the participation of Burton-James and Reed. The Group would like everyone to paticipate so jump in if you can. The more the better for the Class. The next meeting will be the Thrid Tuesday of the month on January 20th. Start time is 8 PM. Ken Runyan will host a Skype conference. You may come in on the Skype (call Kenny to get set up 707-354-1864) or phone or visit a Classmate who has the Skype capability. Skype is downloadable at no cost. Again, hope all well out there.
Wolverine-On!!!!! T

Did you say there was a meeting?...........
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meting – Conference (9-1), 8 PM, January 6, 2009
Call to Order – Tufts,
Roll Call:
Lewis, D.
Lewis, D.
Call for Reading of the Agenda – There was no call for reading
Approval of MINUTES – Minutes of the December 2, 2008 Meeting – Conference we approved
Old Business:
Budget Items:
Discs Program – Buletti-Wharton (C)/ Lewis, D./Runyan, status report through the Chair, advised the Discs Program is complete with no Budget request/impact (all associated Program costs were covered by Buletti-Wharton as a person contribution; Group discussion and Motion of “Thanks” to the committee for a contribution of great value to the Class; this item may be closed a complete
41st Reunion Production and Delivery – Derego-Brown, status report, advised Reunion Production and Delivery is complete with no Budget request (all late expenditures were covered by Derego-Brown as a personal contribution); Group discussion and Motion of “Thanks” to Derego-Brown for closing out the 41st Reunion; This item may be closed as complete
Class of '67 Scholarship – Snider-Herrick (EC)/Burton-James/Olenik/Reed, status report through the Executive Coordinator, research and research assignments are on-going, program research is on schedule to meet Schools' time lines
Burton-James, technical report through the Executive Coordinator,
provided list of Schools in Willits
MINUTES, Group Meeting – Conference (9-1), 8 PM, January 6, 2009
Old Business (continued):
Class of '67 Scholarship (continued):
Reed, technical report, advised coordination points of consideration with WHS
Group, discussion/recommendation through the Executive Coordinator to continue research/request for further feedback to the Group next Meeting
Class “Where's Waldo” Program – Formslag (C)/Leishman/Runyan, update report through the Chair, Leishman is continuing to log Classmates onto the Dynamic Map, Leishman needs current pictures of all those Classmates who did not attend the 41st Reunion, Leishman has issued a trial KMZ file via e-mail to the Planning Group
Runyan, Static Map update report, advised he is prepared to produce the Static Map but will wait for production completion of the Dynamic Map to dovetail inputs, when complete will submit work to Olenik for the Class blog
Group, discussion
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM), status report, advised Class blog continues up and running, requested communication to the Class advising the blog is available to all Classmates to post any item of interest/value to the Classmates
Group, discussion
Treasure's Report – Runyan, update report, advised receipt of payments for Reunion discs and Class doorstep pictures, no requests of the Budget this reporting period, no payments this period, current balance is $2038, all funds are deposited, Formslag continues as Deputy Treasurer
Group, discussion/decision to accept Treasure's Report, direction to the Treasurer to continue to control funds in the manner with which he has been proceeding
New Business: No New Business was agendized for this Meeting
“For the Good of the Class” - Individual comments of appreciation and thanks across the Group
Meeting Schedule – Next Meeting -Conference will be as per the regular scheduling for a “Third Tuesday” on January 20, 2009, the start time will be 8 PM, Runyan will host Skype
The meeting was adjourned