When Day is Done....

The Class of 67, 41st Reunion, was an overwhelming success! The unofficial count was 99 in attendance, counting classmates (50), spouses and significant others (30), teachers (11), and visitors (8).
We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and returned home, safely, to find all well. Beginning with the "Meet and Greet" on Saturday at the Broiler and continuing to late Sunday night, it was an event of all events. Eddie described it best in his letter to the class, tonight, "For those of you who didn’t make it, you were their in our hearts, our minds, and in many of our conversations. But let me tell you, you will not want to miss the next one, guaranteed you will have a great time, and you will not want to miss another one, again."
So many did so much to make this happen. Thank you for all of your efforts! Mostly, thanks for attending! Our next get together is slated for Homecoming 2009, when those who can, will assemble and march in the Homecoming Parade in Willits, behind the "Class of 67" banner. I believe at the clean-up on Monday morning, I over heard Hud volunteering to lead us, dressed as "Atilla the Hun".
Denise is working hard to put together the DVD's for the reunion from the multitude of photos taken by Ken, Bruce and others. The arial shots of the reunion, taken by Bruce, from Jon's helo, were exceptional. So, if you didn't order your copies at the reunion, please let us know what you would like. There will be three separate DVD's...first will be a memorial DVD for our deceased classmates, second is a presentation of photos and music from high school, and third will be a compilation of photos and music from all sessions of the reunion. Each are $10. Order details will be posted, shortly. If at all possible, you will want to order all three. These will hold cherished memories of classmates and lifelong friends for many years to come.
We are completing the classmate contact list. If you need any contact information for any classmates, please let me know. We felt it appropriate to share contact information by request, rather that posting it or sending it out to everyone by email.
The format for the class blog is undergoing some changes. This may not be the template and format, going forward, but it will have a new look as we enter our 42nd year...just as we are forever changed (for the good) from this awesome experience.