I apologize in advance for being unable to enlarge some of the images and articles - FO
Let's travel back to the Friday, November 4, 1966 issue of the Wolverine....
It is the heart of the football season. Tommy T is being chased by wild wolves.....
It is the heart of the football season. Tommy T is being chased by wild wolves.....
"Catch me if you can!"
....was 34-15 and the Willits Wolverines fell to 1-5....
It was hard losing those games, but I'm sure we grew
from the whole experience...
The old quad is being transformed into a habitable area with picnic tables at a cost of $2,094.....

Check out our October Girl....

And then there was Powder Puff Football...

Did anyone not like this place?....fries and a 25 cent monster twist cone with a cherry on top.....heaven on earth......What was your favorite?

Take another step back to Friday, May 1, 1964 to a front page article in the Wolverine.....here, you will find many of our Senior girls in the running.....

In closing, We thank all those classmates on the Wolverine staff for publishing and preserving our history....

See y'all at Hud's on August 31....55 days and counting......