Hello Classmates, Hope this finds everyone well! I am sending, via an attachment, the Minutes of the last Class Planning Group Meeting - Conference. As with the recent Meetings, there is too much info to cover here. The Scholarship Program is getting feedback from the Class at large. A number of Classmates have sent their assessments. I will make sure the info gets to the interviewers prior to the interviews. In fact, there is a "Special Meeting" of the Planning Group to specifically discuss the Scholarship Application info. That Meeting - Conference will be Tuesday, May 12, 8 PM. Runyan will host the Skype. Please sit in and voice your thoughts. Regarding the Homecoming and Class 60th Birthdays Party, the Planning is really getting enthusiastic. Pregame Meet and Greet, Jump out of "float" / trailer at the game / possibly some singing / maybe a B-B Q / Class sweatshirts / SAturday activity / seated dinner / Cake and Music / '67 Classetera! Also, some good and some not-so-good news "For the Good of the Class". Please check out the attachment for details and support your CLassmates. Next Class Planning Meeting is May 19 (3rd Tuesday) - 8 PM start, Runyan will host the Skype. Best wishes for a very lovely Mother's Day! Wolverine-On! T

Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group Meeting
Group Meeting – Conference (9-9), 8 PM, May 5, 2009
Call to Order – Tufts, Runyan hosting Skype
Roll Call:
Lewis, D.
Call for Reading of the Agenda – No call was made
Approval of Minutes – April 21, 2009 Minutes were approved
Old Business:
Class of '67 Scholarship Program – Snider-Herrick (EC)/Formslag / Mickle-Lindstrom / Olenik / Runyan / Tufts, Program update provided by the Executive Coordinator; Runyan, School liaison report, nine completed Applications have been picked from the School and have been emailed to the Group; Through the EC, Tufts suggested moving the Applications to the entire Class for review and prioritization feedback and holding a “Special Meeting” to discuss Class feedback and consider a reduction in applitions based so on; Group, discussion/decision to move the nine completed Applications to the entire Class for review and prioritization/feedback, direction to Tufts to email Applications to the Class, receive Class prioritizastion feedback, and report same to the Group prior to a “Special Meeting”to be held 8 PM, Tuesday May 12; direction to Tufts to notify the Class; Runyan, interview schedule and venue report, the tentative date of May 16 will not work because the School prom is that weekend, venues are available through the library and/or hospital and a specific selection will be made following the establishment of a firm interview date; Group discussion/decision to interview on May 30, direction to Runyan to liaison with the School and applicants and to establish a venue; Runyan, Awards report, Awards will be presented on June 11, notification of Award(s) needs to be to the School by June 4, notification info needs to include the recipients' name(s) and the name of the person making the presentation
Class “Where's Waldo” Program – Formslag (C)/Leishman/Runyan, Leishman for Formslag, update report, work is continuing on the dynamic map; Runyan, technical report, static map will follow the completion of the dynamic map
Homecoming '09 and Class 60th Birthdays Party – Olenik/Tufts (co-C)/all Members, Tufts, presentation of organizational concept to provide the Group with a schedule of time blocks to be used a planning guide for event activities; Group, discussion/direction to Tufts to provide a schedule of time blocks prior to next Meeting; Runyan, School liaison report, no “firm” date can be set by the School for Homecoming because the Year's master schedule is not complete, October 16 is a strong-enough date to be used for planning Class events because October 16 is the only home football game in mid-to-late October; Group discussion/decision to use October 16th for Homecoming '09 and 60th Birthdays Party planning purposes; Lewis, D., presentation of concept for the Class to produce a “run-through” banner for the football game; Group, discussion/decision to table for consideration/liaison; Tufts through Runyan, reopened discussion of float/trailer, Runyan, advised trailer is available; Group, discussion/decision to include the trailer as a Class “Float” for the Class to exit at the football game, direction to Runyan to Chair a Float Committee to bring options the next Meeting
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM) was not in attendance, no report was provided
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T), update report, there have been no transactions this reporting period, all funds are deposited, balance remains unchanged ($2038); Group, discussion/decision to accept the Treasurer's Report, direction to Runyan to continue to control funds in the manner with which he has been proceeding
New Business:
Rockefeller Writings – Mickle-Lindstrom, was not in attendance, item was not presented / addressed, item will be moved forward to next Planning Meeting
Class Time Capsule – Runyan, concept review and School liaison report, School is in strong support of a time capsule but requests it be interred in conjunction with an enhancement feature such as a bench; Group, discussion regarding the possible use as an income producer for the Scholarship Program, discussion/decision to pursue as a possible project/direction to Runyan to Chair a committee of Runyan(C)/Formslag/Huddle/Leishman/Marlett and to return in two Meetings (Tuesday, June 2, 2009) with a Time Capsule Project Plan and Budget
“For the Good of the Class” - Leishman, expressed excitement over the Time Capsule Project; Lewis, D., advised the Group, she and Rick have taken receipt of their first great grandchild born a boy April 9
Snider-Herrick, advised that information for Bromaghin has been provided at the Class blog and wished every Classmate a happy Mother's Day; Tucker-Thompson, expressed pleasure with what the Group/Class is doing; Buletti-Wharton, advised she is looking strongly forward to Homecoming and the Class Birthdays Party; Tufts, relayed information from Leza Smith: their plans have just taken a change, will not be able to attend Homecoming as Gary has just been diagnosed with a cancer and is beginning treatment
Meeting Schedule: Group, confirmed the Next:
Planning Meeting as 8 PM, May 19, 2009 (3rd Tuesday)
Special “Scholarship Program” Meeting – Conference to be 8 PM, May 12, 2009
The Meeting was adjourned

Hello Dear Classmates, Hope all well! The Class Scholarship Program is approaching the point of interviews with the student applicants. We have received nine applications. The program committee would like to weigh the opinion of the Class as a whole regarding the selection of award recipients. To facilitate the assembly of the Class' input I will forward the nine applications to you. They will come as forwarded through me from Ken Runyan. Ken picked them up directly from the School. Please, review the applications and rate in priority the top three as you feel should receive a scholarship award. Please, then feedback your ranking, by student name, to me. The Class Planning Group will hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday May 12th at 8 PM to discuss your feedback. (Every Classmate is urged to attend the Special Meeting. It will be a Skype conference hosted by Runyan. Please attend, if possible, to comment in person.) To allow for a pre-meeting review of the Class feedback by the Planning Group, your information needs to get to them prior to close of consciousness Sunday evening, May 10th. Therefore, Please get your feedback to me by noon on May 10th. I will assemble your information and provide it to the committee.Thanks in avance for your judgement! I will forward the nine applications to you directly following this message. '67-On! TT