Hello All, Quick note to let you know Ken Runyan is home and doing OK. He is a little tired and spending most of the time resting. He spent some days in the ICU following the surgery but is home now and happy. I hope everyone in the Class is happy. '67-On! T

'67 Wolverines,
Hope this finds everyone well!!!!!! I have attached the Minutes of the Jan 12th Class Planning Group Meeting - Conference. The Conference could not be called to order because the storm took out the Skype Hostess' internet. I did communicate with Plannning Group-types individually via telephone. This Agenda was free of time-sensitive Class business so we opted to move the Agenda in ite entirety to the next regularly scheduled Meeting - Conference. That will begin at 8:00 PM, January 26, 2010 - the 4th Tuesday of the month. That Meeting - Conference will conduct as Agenda 0-2. Agenda 0-2, for the 26th, is also attached to this message. For those yet to hear, Ken Runyan had a stint placed in his carotid artery on Monday, Jnauary 11. I received a text message from Nancy. She indicated Kenny was out of the OR and OK. While Kenny is recuperating, Denise Lewis will Hostess the Skpye Planning Group Conferences. If you are not hooked up with Denise's Skype, please do so. It would be a shame to miss the Meeting because of a lack of Skype link. Denise is at: denez@aol.com or 707-367-3055. On another note, Thanks to everyone who responded with their input regarding a date for the next Class get-together. I have everyone's comments recorded. I will make sure the Planning Group has benefit when discussion opens on the topic. Again, I hope everyone is well and moving well into 2010. You are the greatest Classmates a boy could have! Best wishes and May God Save THE Class! T
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-2), 8:00 PM, January 26, 2010
Call to Order
Roll Call
Call for Reading of the Agenda
Old Business:
Class Bench/Time Capsule Project – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Formslag, possible feedback report from Principal Oslund regarding Bench design and installation location options as might be favored by the School; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s); Group, feedback due from the Group to the PM regarding the Project Schedule, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
Class Scholarship Program – Reed/Formslag/Marlett/Runyan/Snider-Herrick/Tufts; Reed, possible reissue presentation of Program guide document; Group possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s); Reed, possible feedback report regarding options/details of paths of access to “Tax Exempt” status, storage mechanisms for Class funds, preserving Class control/decision-making over Class funds; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
'67 Again in Ten (Class Get-Together 2010) – Tufts, Feedback report regarding Class preference as to the 2010 Class Get Together date; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction
Class Sweatshirts – Buletti-Wharton (C)/Runyan/Tufts; Tufts, through the Chair, reintroduction of general discussion regarding Class sweatshirts; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T)/Formslag (Deputy Treasurer); Formslag (for Runyan), update Report; Group, possible discussion; accept/reject Treasurer's Report; possible decision(s)/direction(s)
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM); update Report; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
New Business:
Deputy BLOG Manager Position – Tufts, introduction of discussion to provide the Class Planning Group with a Deputy BLOG Manager position and recommended duties for the position; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/recommendation(s)
“For the Good of the Class” - Group; open comments/discussion(s) of any nature having value to the Willits High School (Wolverine) Class of 1967, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
Meeting Schedule – Next Meeting – Conference: 8:00 PM, January 26, 2010 (regular 4th Tuesday); Group, confirm next Meeting – Conference schedule
Adjourn Meeting
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-1), 8:00 PM, January 12, 2010
Call to Order – This Meetng – Conference was not called to order. Severe storm weather conditions disrupted Skype internet commincations. The Planning Group was unable to conference. Tufts communicated by telephone with those regular attendees as were available. There was no time-sensitive Class business pending. The Agenda for this Meeting was moved forward, as Meeting – Conference (0-2), to the next regular scheduled Meeting date; 4th Tuesday, January 16, 2010. Start time will be 8:00 PM. Lewis, D. will hostess the Skype conference.