Ticket price:
$35 per person. By the Huddles' gracious offer of their home, we have avoided the cost of a hall or other "at price" venue. To receive ticket money (for catering and etc) without bylaws and a constitution, we could not open a bank account in the name of the Class or Reunion. Ken Runyan has stepped up (needs to make a big house payment) and has volunteered to receive the ticket checks and to account for them and our spending. Therefore, send ticket checks to:
Ken Runyan, 24149 Birch Terrace*, Willits, CA 95490. *
It is important to use "Terrace" as there are a number of other Birch addresses in Willits such as Street, Circle, Place, etc. The checks should be made in favor of Ken Runyan but Ken requests we make a note " '67 reunion" on the checks.
The WPG needs to know how many attendees they will be providing for with enough lead time to coordinate the number with caterers, rental suppliers, etc. Therefore, the checks need to be to Ken by July 31st.
The July 31st deadline date gives us a full month and one half to remit. After July 31st, the reunion will continue to accept late ticket payments but the price will be adjusted to $45 per person to compensate for out-of-package cost amounts.

So, checks to Ken Runyan, by July 31st, at the above "Terrace" address, in the amount of $35 per attendee ($45 per, after the 7/31). Note "67 reunion" on the check (Ken will provide accounting for any nervous Classmate to review). Get your check to Ken by July 31st or pay a $10 cost premium per attendee on checks arriving after July 31st.
Now, for the fun stuff.`

It appears there are
a ton of Classmates coming.
Marilyn and Felix have taken the lead on contacting Teachers. With support of other Classmates, they have found/
contacted many of those
Teachers still with us, and, somehow, convinced them to attend. So, bring your latent Algebra questions and your yet-uncompleted sentence diagrams and make this more than just a reunion -
seize the opportunity to complete your education!!!!!! (Heads up - it might not hurt to throw in your gym shoes, too).
Also, (bugles and drum roll, here) Our Hommies (WPG) have set up a Class picture opportunity and Willits High School tour.

Directly following the picture we will tour the school. A "very Special" docent will lead the group through the hallowed halls

(to administer conduct control, provide hall monitoring, and deliver pertinent historic commentary).
No parental notes will be required and all costs are included in the ticket package price.
From the School, we will exit parking in parade formation and caravan to Huddle's (you're on your own for gas from the School to Hud's - no doubt, the biggest expense of the day).
Here, again, The Class of 1967 excels and "Sets the Standard" by which all others are judged as we cruise through town. Gotta love it!
Luvya, Can''t wait to C-ya! TT