Dear Classmates,
Hello from your long-lost no-internet-connectioned septic tank installing Classmate. Please accept my apology for having dropped off of the radar screen for a couple weeks. I have an absence note written by my septic tank delivery driver and will be most happy to present it in person at the get-together for your review and turn it in to the School office filing with the Principal.
During my absence, I have been at the Oregon place putting in a septic tank. I figured it would take 2-3 days. "Fool" It took two weeks. Have you ever heard of "ground water"? I, previously, had very little experience with it. Also, I am now greatly more familiar with thin-wall pvc pipe. However, I am now back, safely, in the concrete jungle and am ready to return focus to the Event at hand. If and when I ever get caught up I will get the Minutes and Agenda out for Class Planning Meetings of 9/14, 9/21, and 9/28.
However, as we are, as of today, just two weeks out from the Homecoming/Birthday Party get-together, I will attach the final version of the Event Schedule to this message. I would attach my absence note but it is somewhat illegible in copied form due to the impacts of ground water. God bless you and God save the Wolverine.
T PS - I am trying to catch up on tons of e-mail. Therefore, please hold all septic tank questions for our first-person conversations at the Class Birthday Party. Seems a nice topic for comments exchanged over cake. LUVYA's, T
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Class Get-Together – Homecoming '09 and Class 60th Birthdays Party
Friday, October 16, 2009
12 PM – 4:00 PM, Meet 'n' Greet / Banner Painting & Float Decoration / Pizza Social; Huddle's
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Break / Personal preparation for evening activities; individual places
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM, preposition the “Float” and discuss/prepare for “Float” riding; meet at field grandstands
7:00 PM, view varsity football game; grandstands
Half time, “ride 'Float' “; football field
Post Game, Class picture; football field under the goal post
After Game, Post-Game Anaysis Meeting; Gribaldo's Restaurant
Saturday, October 17, 2009
10 AM, Breakfast get-together; Gribaldo's Restaurant
12 PM – 3:00 PM, Museum/Motive Power Tour
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Break / Personal preparation for evening activities; individual places
5:00 PM – on, 60th Birthdays Party Dinner; Broiler restaurant (Redwood Valley location)
8:00 PM, Birthdays Cake Cutting; Broiler
Sunday, October 18, 2009
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM, Breakfast/Class Business Meeting; venue to be announced
10:00 AM, Adjourn Class Event