Monday, October 25, 2010
Class of '67 - First WHS Homecoming Alumni Award!
Posted by Fred at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 9, 2010
Are you ready for a party???!!!!

Hello Classmates,
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-6), 8:00 PM, March 23, 2010
Call to Order – Tufts, Lewis D. hosting Skype, at 8;30 PM due to internet communications technical difficulties
Roll Call
Lewis D.
Call for Reading of the Agenda – There was no Call
Approval of Minutes – Minutes 0-5, March 9, 2010 we approved
Old Business:
Class Bench/Time Capsule – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Runyan reported Principal Oslund has moved the Bench/Capsule to his Assistant Principal for liaison, feedback from the AP has not been received, Runyan will continue to persue; Due to internet difficulties there was no effective Group discussion
Class Scholarship Program – Reed(C)/Formslag/Marlett/Snider-Herrick/Tufts; Runyan (Through the Chair), reported the Bank of Willits will work with the Class to set up an account, Group discussion was hampered by internet difficulties, however, the Group directed Runyan to persue final needs with the B of W and report
“67 Again in Ten (Class Homecoming Get-Together) – Skinner/Derego-Brown (co-C); Skiunner reported feedback from the “Skunk”, the “Skunk” will provide the Class with a private excursion on Saturday following Homecoming Friday. The ride would be on two cars minimum, one open and one closed if desired. The ride would be to the picnic area about half way to the coast. A lunch would be provided of choice of beef/chicken, two salads, beans, and a desert. With the ride back to Willits the total time of the excursion would be about 4 hours. Rice wuld be $40.00 including the lunch.; Group, discussion was hampered by internet difficulties; Skinner received non-specific direction to persue.
Alumni Shirts Project – Buletti-Wharton (C)/Runyan/Snider-Herrick; report was hampered by internet difficulties, design options are not complete, will develop; discussion was displaced by internet difficulty
Internet difficulties prevented further business; some Group Members had been lost to Communications failure; the Meeting – Conference was adjourned with Agenda to be moved forward to next regular date of April 13, 2010 – 8:00 PM (regular 2nd Tuesday), Lewis, D. to host Skype
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-7), 8:00 PM, April 13, 2010
Call to Order
Roll Call
Call for Reading of the Agenda*
Approval of Minutes
Old Business:
Class Bench/Time Capsule – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Runyan, Feedback report regarding WHS Capmus Plans, preferences for Bench design and installation location; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
Class Scholarship Program – Reed(C)/Formslag/Marlett/Snider-Herrick/Tufts; Runyan (through the Chair), feedback report regarding Class Funds storage options with local Banks; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
“67 Again in Ten” (Class Homecoming Get-Together”) - Skinner/Derego-Brown (co-C); Skinner/Derego-Brow, possible update report; Group, possible discussion/decison(s)/direction(s)
Alumni Shirts Project – Buletti-Wharton (C)/Runyan/Snider-Herrick; possible presentation of design options/update report; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T)/Formslag (DT); update Report; Group, possible discussion, accept/reject Treasurer's Report, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM)/Lewis, D. (DBM); update Report; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
New Business: No new business was requested to be agendized for this Meeting – Conference
“For the Good of the Class” - Group, open comments/discussion of any nature having value to the Willits High School – Wolverine – Class of 1967, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
Meeting Schedule Next Meeting – Conference: 8:00 PM, April 27, 2010 (regular 4th Tuesday); Group, confirm next Meeting – Conference schedule
Adjourn Meeting
*This Agenda is a duplicate of Meeting – Conference 0-6 and is a carry-forward from that Meeting – Conference as business was rendered unpersueable by internet difficulties.
Posted by Fred at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Class of '67 riding the Skunk...can you dig it?
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-5), 8:00 PM, March 9, 2010
Call to Order – Tufts, Lewis, D. hosting Skype
Roll Call
Lewis, D.
Call for Reading of the Agenda – There was no Call for Reading
Approval of Minutes – The Minutes of Meeting 0-4 were approved by unanimous vote
Old Business:
Class Bench/Time Capsule – Runyan (PM);Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Runyan reported, no communicationhas been had with the School, Runyan and Formslag will continue to persue; there was no further discussion
Class Scholarship Program – Reed;Formslag/Marlett/Snider-Herrick/Tufts; Reed, reported detail information regarding establishment of a Class Non-Profit Status Organization, use of funds storage/management organization, provided pros and cons of each; Group, discussion of both options and of continued interest in utilizing the Willits Rotary Club to store Class funds, discussed prioritization of retaining control of funds while in storage, discussed desire to work with a funds storage option local to Willits if possible; Runyan, offered to revisit local Willits banks to review bank-local options; Group, direction to Runyan to revisit local Willits banks to review bank-local options for storing Class funds and to report back to the Group
“67 Againin Ten” (Class Homecoming Get-Together) – Skinner/Derego-Brown (co-C), Skinner, update report regarding on-going development of Event plans including dinner options, possible “Skunk” train ride, Event theme, Group, discussion/decision to prioritize social time over meal cost as a means of making the Event economically attendable by all Classmates, directin to Skinner/Derego-Brown to focus on low-cost dinner options for the Event and to continue planning as per their report
4th of July Picnic – Derego-Brown;Olenik (co-C); Derego-Brown, opened discussion regarding partnering with other classes in management of the Picnic; Group, discussion/decision to provide Class of '67 management of the Picnic so as to utilize extant intra-Class organization/efficiency, discussion/decision to solicit alumni volunteers from other graduation years to liaison interclass communications and Picnic attendance; Derego-Brown, reported “Fronteer Days” master schedule does not include schuduled events for Saturday, July 3rd, provided recommendtion to schedule the Picnic for Saturday, July 3re and title the event “Alumni Picnic”; Group discussion/decision to schedule theAlumni Picnic for July 3rd, direction to Derego-Brown/Olenik to continue Picnic event planning for July 3rd, prioritize social opportunity and economy costing so as to promote attendance by all alumni; Group; direction to Derego-Brown/Olenik to provide update reporting at the next Class Planning Group meeting – Conference
Class Shirts Project (item Agendized in-Meeting, motion – Tufts, 2nd Olenik, unanimous vote) – Buletti-Wharton (C)/Runyan/Snider-Herrick; Tufts, provided history of Class Shirts Project and initiated discussion regarding design/production of Class shirts, recommended production in Oregon under supervision of Chairperson Buletti-Warton; Group, discussion/decision in favor of providing “Alumni” shirts for the Alumni Picnic; Buletti-Wharton, advised she will require design direction from the Group; Group, discusson, seated Runyan and Snider-Herrick to the Class Shirts Project committee under Chair direction of Buletti-Wharton, directed committee to provide three design concept options for Group consideration
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T); update Report, no treasury activity thes reporting period, fund balance remains unchaged: $1620.00: Group, discussion;decision to accept Treasurer's Report, direction to Treasurer to continue to control Class funds in the manner with which he has been proceeding
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM); update Report, the Class BLOG is continuing to be updated; Class BlOG and associated “Facebook” accounts are growing rapidly in interest; interest in the get-togethers in general and this 4th of July Holiday specifically is growing through many alumni classes
New Business: - No new business was equested to agendized for this Meeting – Conference
“For the Good of the Class” - Buletti-Wharton, commented she is amazed at the breadth of work being produced by the Class and is looking forward to seeing everyone at this year's get-togethers; Lewis,D., commented: Reed is doing great work on options for storing Class funds; it is great to see Kenny healthy; greatto have Loma on board; Tucker-Thompson, issued concern for fleeting time for the completin of work on tis year's Scholarship Program; Snider-Herrick, reported the birth of a new family member March 8, 2010; Skinner, thanked Derego-Brown of her help withnitial and on-going planning for the “Again in Ten” Homecoming Get-Together, Thanked Reed for his work on Scholarship funds storage options; Reed – commented to the Group, Class Planning and those involved constitute the “hi lite of my week”, congratulated everyone on their work; Olenik, Thanked everyone for working for The Class; Derego-Brown – We are seeing the results of “working from the heart”; Tufts, commented he is very prideful of what the Class is doing and has become and feels our Class is experienceing geat success because of a unity-based approach/organization, thanked those Classmates working together from a distance with those at home in Willits
Meeting Schedule – Group, confirmed next Meeting will be a Skype Conference to begin 8:00 PM, March 23,2010 (4th Tuesday); Lewis, D. to host the Skype
The Meeting was adjourned
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-6), 8:00 PM, March 23, 2010
Call to Order
Roll Call
Call for Reading of the Agenda
Approval of Minutes
Old Business:
Class Bench/Time Capsule – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Runyan, Feedback report regarding WHS Capmus Plans, preferences for Bench design and installation location; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
Class Scholarship Program – Reed(C)/Formslag/Marlett/Snider-Herrick/Tufts; Runyan (through the Chair), feedback report regarding Class Funds storage options with local Banks; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
“67 Again in Ten” (Class Homecoming Get-Together”) - Skinner/Derego-Brown (co-C); Skinner/Derego-Brow, possible update report; Group, possible discussion/decison(s)/direction(s)
Alumni Shirts Project – Buletti-Wharton (C)/Runyan/Snider-Herrick; possible presentation of design options/update report; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T)/Formslag (DT); update Report; Group, possible discussion, accept/reject Treasurer's Report, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM)/Lewis, D. (DBM); update Report; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
New Business: No new business was requested to be agendized for this Meeting – Conference
“For the Good of the Class” - Group, open comments/discussion of any nature having value to the Willits High School – Wolverine – Class of 1967, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
Meeting Schedule Next Meeting – Conference: 8:00 PM, April 13, 2010 (regular 2nd Tuesday); Group, confirm next Meeting – Conference schedule
Adjourn Meeting
Posted by Fred at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
One of the first "off road" vehicles in Norther Cal...
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-4), 8:00 PM, February 23, 2010
Call to Order – Tufts, Lewis, D. hosting Skype
Roll Call
Lewis, D.
Call for Reading of the Agenda – There was no Call for Reading
Old Business
Class Bench and Time Capsule – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Formslag, reported there has not been communication with Principal Oslund regarding Bench design/installation location preferences of the School, Formslag will continue to pursue; There was no discussion
Class Scholarship Program – Reed/Formslag/Marlett/Snider-Herrick/Tufts; No report was provided; Reed/Formslag will feedback nest Meeting regarding options for storage of Class funds; There was no further discussion
“67 Again in Ten” (Class Get-Together 2010) – Motion, Tufts; Second,Formslag; pass, unanimous – seat Skinner and Derego-Brown as co-chair persons for development of “67 Again in Ten” Class Get-Together; Co-Chairs will bring options/recommendations to the next Meeting – Conference; there was no further discussion
Treasurer's Report - Runyan (T)/Formslag(DT); Runyan was unavailable to report; Formslag (DT), Reported treasury figures were not available through him, however, there is no change in account balance, funds continue to be housed with Runyan; Group, unanimously accepted the Deputy Treasurer's report, directed Deputy Treasurer to continue to manage Class funds in the manner with which the Treasurer has been proceeding
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM)/;Lewis, D.(Deputy BM); Olenik reported the Class BLOG has been updated, There has been substantial interest voiced over electronic media in favor of a get-together event on the 4th of July; Group, discussion, comments of thanks to Olenik for maintaining the Class BLOG
New Business
4th of July Bar-B-Q – Derego-Brown, introduced concept for consideration of a 4th of July Bar-B-Q, not to replace the “Again in Ten” Homecoming Get-Together, to be hosted, for invitation of all Wolverine alumni, by the Class of '67; Group, discussed understanding of a broad interest in such an event, decision to have the event as presented by Derego-Brown, decision to seat Derego-Brown and Olenik as co-chairs for development of the event, discussed various venues with focus on preventing friction with those extant programs at the rodeo grounds and grove, made a tentative decision to prioritize the School as the prefered venue for the event, decision to title the event as a “picnic” so as not to conflict by appearance of competition is “Bar-B-Q's” by others; Tufts, recommendation to menu and serve “Green and Gold” dogs to be garnished with relish and mustard and/or a “Wolverine” burger which “bites back” with green and gold onions; direction to Co-Chairs to return next Meeting – Conference with planning options/recommendations for the event; Co-chairs requested communication to the Class requesting ideas for the event be directed to Derego-Brown; Group, direction to Tufts to communicate to the Class as per request of the Co-Chairs
“For the Good of the Class” - Tufts, reported Runyan's condition is improving, he will receive phone calls/may be back next Meeting – Conference, Marlett is helping his family with tasks, will return next Meeting Conference, Snider-Herrick is dealing with a severe cough, anticipates returning next Meeting-Conference; Reed, reported he may be flying to the “March Meet” nostalgia Drag Race at Bakersfield, plane seats are available at cost share; Formslag, reported he is now on line; Lewis,D., reported she has lost 100 lbs, feels great, now in a size 7 dress; Skinner, thanked the Group for work done, reported looking forward to 4th of July and Homecoming
Meeting Schedule – Group, confirmed next Meeting – Conference will be a Skype conference to begin 8:00 PM, March 9, 2010 (2nd Tuesday); Lewis, D. to host Skype
The Meeting was adjourned
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-5), 8:00 PM, March 9, 2010
Call to Order
Roll Call
Call for Reading of the Agenda
Approval of Minutes 0-4
Old Business:
Class Bench/Time Capsule – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Formslag, feedback report on communication with Principal Oslund regarding the School's preferences for Bench design and installation location; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/directions
Class Scholarship Program – Reed/Formslag/Marlett/Snider-Herrick/Tufts; Reed/Formslag, report regarding options (pros and cons) for storage of Class funds; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / Direction(s)
“67 Again in Ten” (Class Homecoming Get-Together) – Skinner/Derego-Brown (Co-C); possible feedback report regarding event options; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
4th of July Picnic – Derego-Brown/Olenik (Co-C); feedback report regarding planning options/recommendations for the event; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T)/Formslag(DT); update Report; Group, possible discussion, Accept/Reject Treasurer's Report, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM)/Lewis, D. (DBM); update Report; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
New Business – No New Business was requested to be agendized for this Meeting -Conference
“For the Good of the Class” - Group, open comments/discussion of any nature having value to the Willits High School – Wolverine - Class of 1967, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
Meeting Schedule – Next Meeting – Conference: 8:00 PM, March 9, 2010 (regular 2nd Tuesday); Group, confirm next Meeting – Conference schedule
Adjourn Meeting
Posted by Fred at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
WHS Alumni Family Roundup Picnic
Date: Saturday, July 3, 2010
Time: 11:00am - 3:00pm
Location: Willits, California - Exact location TBD
Plan to attend the WHS ALUMNI FAMILY ROUNDUP PICNIC, Saturday, July 3, 2010, 11AM - 3 PM. Sponsored by the WHS Class of 1967. This event is open to all WHS Alumni, family and friends. There will be a scrumptious picnic lunch, music, WHS memorabilia display, plenty of socializing, and other fun surprises. Mark your calendar and plan to attend this 4th of July week-end, historic celebration! More details will be forthcoming on the
Posted by Fred at 4:56 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Is Everybody Ready for Some Willits Frontier Days Rodeo?
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-4), 8:00 PM, February 23, 2010
Call to Order
Roll Call
Call for Reading of the Agenda
Class Bench and Time Capsule – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Forward from previous Meeting - Conferences, Formslag, possible feedback report from communication with Principal Oslund regarding the School's construction plans and preferences for Class Bench design and installation location; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
Class Scholarship Program – Reed/Formslag/Marlett/Snider-Herrick/Tufts; Forward from previous Meeting – Conference, Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s) regarding change in storage of Class funds (item moved forward to capture broad based decision-making of large-attendance Meeting – Conference); item awaits large-attendance Meeting – Conference
“67 Again in Ten” (Class Get-Together 2010) – Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
Class Sweatshirt – Buletti-Wharton (C)/Tufts; Item carried forward (Buletti-Wharton was unavailable) for Group discussion/possible decision(s)/direction(s)
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T)/Formslag (Deputy T); update Report; Group possible discussion; Accept/Reject Treasurer's Report; possible decision(s)/Direction(s)
BLOB Manager's Report – Olenik (BM)/Lewis, D. (Deputy BM); update Report; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
New Business:
4th of July Bar-B-Q – Derego-Brown; presentation of concept regarding Class hosting of a
bar-b-q, on the 4th of July, open to all classes; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
“For the Good of the Class” - Group; open comments/discussion(s) of any nature having value to the Willits High School – Wolverine – Class of 1967, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
Meeting Schedule – Next Meeting – Conference: 8:00 PM, March 9, 2010 (regular 2nd Tuesday); Group, confirm next Meeting – Conference schedule
Adjourn Meeting
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-3), 8:00 PM, February 9, 2010
Call to Order – Tufts, Lewis, D. hosting Skype
Roll Call
Lewis, D.
Old Business;
Class Bench and Time Capsule – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Formslag was unavailable to report feedback from Principal Oslund regarding School interface with the project; Lewis, D., reported the School has received a grant for construction of a new school; Group, discussion, decision to seek information regarding the School's plans with focus to dovetail project
Class Scholarship Program – Reed/Formslag/Marlett;Snider-Herrick/Tufts; Reed, reported he has been in communication with Hope re options for storing Class funds, provided comments regarding establishment of Non-Profit status, reported he has received and reviewed the Program Guide Document from Snider-Herrick, reported it looks good to go, reported he has spoken with Principal Oslund regarding storing Class funds with the School/requested info, Principal Oslund has move the request to Colvig; Group, discussion, decision to seek greater Planning Meeting – Conference attendance and to move decision regarding storage of Class funds to the next meting having greater attendance
“67 Again in Ten” (Class get-together 2010) – Round Robin comments followed by discussion; Group, decision to plan a Class get-together for Homecoming 2010
Class Sweatshirts – Buletti-Wharton (C)/Tufts; Buletti-Wharton was unavailable; Group, decision to move discussion on item forward to next Meeting – Conference with Buletti-Wharton in attendance
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T)/Formslag (Deputy T); Runyan?Formslag were unavailable to report
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM)/Lewis, D. (Deputy BM); Olenik was unavailable to report; Lewis D. was unable to communicate with Olenik/report
New Business: No New Business was requested to be agendized for this Meeting – Conference
“For the Good of the Class” - There were comments of thanks to Reed for continuing research regarding non-profit organizations/status, Classmates reminiscing about Homecoming 2009 and looking forward to 2010, Lewis, D. advised the Group her family is experiencing medical trouble, very strong comments of support for the Lewis Family, Snider-Herrick, commented she could not send nail polish to Lewis, D. through the US Mail so is sending “something else”, Tufts, thanks everyone for their support of the Class
Meeting Schedule – Group, confirmed next Meeting – Conference will be a Skype Conference to begin 8:00 PM, February 23, 2010 (4th Tuesday); Lewis, D. to host Skype
The Meeting was adjourned
Posted by Fred at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
What time should we meet at the Pavilion for the dance Friday night??
Willite High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-2), 8:00 PM, January 26, 2010
Call to Order – Tufts, Lewis, D. hosting Skype
Roll Call
Lewis, D.
Call for Reading of the Agenda – There was no call for a reading
Old Business:
Class Bench/Time Capsule Project -Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Runyan/Formslag, possible feedback report from Principal Oslund re prefered bench design and installation location, Runyan/Formslag were not available to report; There was no discussion/business; item was moved forward to next agenda
Class Scholarship Program – Reed/Formslag/Marlett/Runyan/Snider-Herrick/Tufts; Reed was unavailable to present the Program Guide Document; There was no discussionbusiness; Formslag was unavailable to eport regarding possible Class funds storage with the Willits Rotary Claub; Hope provided comments regarding approach options to providing the Class with “non-profit” status; Group, discussion, decision to seek feedback report information regarding possible funds storage with the Willits Rotary Club, item directed forward to next agenda
'67 Again in Ten (Class Get-Together 2010) – Tufts, presented Class feedback information regarding prefered date for 2010 Class Get-Together; Group; discussion/decision to move item to next agenda for further discussion
Class Sweatshirts – Buletti-Wharton (C)/Tufts; Buletti-Wharton was unavailable to Chair discussion; item moved forward to next agenda
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T); Treasurer Runyan and Deputy Treasurer Formslag were both unavailable to report
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM) was unavailable to report
New Business
Deputy BLOG Manager position – Tufts, introduced discussion to provide the Class Planning Group with a Deputy BLOG Manger position and recommended duties of position; Group, discussion/decision to provide a Deputy BlOG Manager position; Lewis, D. volunteered to serve as the Class' first Deputy BLOG Manager; Group, discussion; Snider-Herrick, Motion to seat Lewis, D. as the Class' first Deputy BLOG Manager, Marlett, 2nd, Group, discussion and vote (unanimous) in favor of seating Lewis, D. as the Class' first Deputy BLOG Manager, provided duty to assist the BLOG Manager with maintenance of the Class BLOG and to provide update reporting to the Class Planning Group on those occasions where the BLOG Manger is unavailable to report
“For the Good of the Class” - Tufts explained time demands of a new job and thanked Hope for attending and provided insightful information to the Group; Marlett thanked the Group for continuing good work; Snider-Herrick and the Group thanked the Lewis Family for there contribution to the Class and dedicated their thoughts to the Family.
Meeting Schedule – Group, confirmed next Meeting will be a Skype Conference to begin 8:00 PM, February 9, 2010 (1st Tuesday), Lewis D. to Host the Skype
The Meeting was adjourned
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-3), 8:00 PM, February 9, 2010
Call to Order
Roll Call
Call for Reading of the Agenda
Old Business:
Class Bench and Time Capsule – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Formslag, possible feedback report from communication with Principal Oslund regarding the Shcool's prefered Bench design and installation location; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
Class Scholarship Program – Reed/Formslag/Marlett/Snider-Herrick/Tufts; Reed, possible presentation (reissue) of Program guide document; Grou, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s); Reed/Hope, possible feedback report regarding options for storage of Class funds/preserving Class control over decision-making regarding Class funds; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
“ '67 Again in Ten” (Class Get-Together 2010) – Item carried forward for further Group discussion/possible decision(s)/possible direction(s) from last Meeting
Class Sweatshirts – Buletti-Wharton (C)/Tufts; Item carried forward for Group discussion/possible decision(s)/possible direction(s)
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T)/(Formslag (Deputy T)); update Report; Group, possible discussion; Accept/RejectTreasurer's Report; possible decision(s)/Direction(s)
BLOG Manger's Report – Olenick (BM) (Lewis, D.(Deputy BM)), update report; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
New Business: No New Business was requested to agendized for this Meeting Conference
“For the Good of the Class” - Group; open comments/discussion(s) of any nature having value to the Willits High School – Wolverine – Class of 1967, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
Meeting Schedule – Next Meeting – Conference: 8:00 PM, February 23, 2010 (regular 4th Tuesday); Group, confirm next Meeting – Conference schedule
Adjourn Meeting
Posted by Fred at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
We wish you a steady and complete recovery, Ken! (and thanks for the great photo's...)

Hello All, Quick note to let you know Ken Runyan is home and doing OK. He is a little tired and spending most of the time resting. He spent some days in the ICU following the surgery but is home now and happy. I hope everyone in the Class is happy. '67-On! T

'67 Wolverines,
Hope this finds everyone well!!!!!! I have attached the Minutes of the Jan 12th Class Planning Group Meeting - Conference. The Conference could not be called to order because the storm took out the Skype Hostess' internet. I did communicate with Plannning Group-types individually via telephone. This Agenda was free of time-sensitive Class business so we opted to move the Agenda in ite entirety to the next regularly scheduled Meeting - Conference. That will begin at 8:00 PM, January 26, 2010 - the 4th Tuesday of the month. That Meeting - Conference will conduct as Agenda 0-2. Agenda 0-2, for the 26th, is also attached to this message. For those yet to hear, Ken Runyan had a stint placed in his carotid artery on Monday, Jnauary 11. I received a text message from Nancy. She indicated Kenny was out of the OR and OK. While Kenny is recuperating, Denise Lewis will Hostess the Skpye Planning Group Conferences. If you are not hooked up with Denise's Skype, please do so. It would be a shame to miss the Meeting because of a lack of Skype link. Denise is at: or 707-367-3055. On another note, Thanks to everyone who responded with their input regarding a date for the next Class get-together. I have everyone's comments recorded. I will make sure the Planning Group has benefit when discussion opens on the topic. Again, I hope everyone is well and moving well into 2010. You are the greatest Classmates a boy could have! Best wishes and May God Save THE Class! T
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-2), 8:00 PM, January 26, 2010
Call to Order
Roll Call
Call for Reading of the Agenda
Old Business:
Class Bench/Time Capsule Project – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Formslag, possible feedback report from Principal Oslund regarding Bench design and installation location options as might be favored by the School; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s); Group, feedback due from the Group to the PM regarding the Project Schedule, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
Class Scholarship Program – Reed/Formslag/Marlett/Runyan/Snider-Herrick/Tufts; Reed, possible reissue presentation of Program guide document; Group possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s); Reed, possible feedback report regarding options/details of paths of access to “Tax Exempt” status, storage mechanisms for Class funds, preserving Class control/decision-making over Class funds; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
'67 Again in Ten (Class Get-Together 2010) – Tufts, Feedback report regarding Class preference as to the 2010 Class Get Together date; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction
Class Sweatshirts – Buletti-Wharton (C)/Runyan/Tufts; Tufts, through the Chair, reintroduction of general discussion regarding Class sweatshirts; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T)/Formslag (Deputy Treasurer); Formslag (for Runyan), update Report; Group, possible discussion; accept/reject Treasurer's Report; possible decision(s)/direction(s)
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM); update Report; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
New Business:
Deputy BLOG Manager Position – Tufts, introduction of discussion to provide the Class Planning Group with a Deputy BLOG Manager position and recommended duties for the position; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/recommendation(s)
“For the Good of the Class” - Group; open comments/discussion(s) of any nature having value to the Willits High School (Wolverine) Class of 1967, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
Meeting Schedule – Next Meeting – Conference: 8:00 PM, January 26, 2010 (regular 4th Tuesday); Group, confirm next Meeting – Conference schedule
Adjourn Meeting
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (0-1), 8:00 PM, January 12, 2010
Call to Order – This Meetng – Conference was not called to order. Severe storm weather conditions disrupted Skype internet commincations. The Planning Group was unable to conference. Tufts communicated by telephone with those regular attendees as were available. There was no time-sensitive Class business pending. The Agenda for this Meeting was moved forward, as Meeting – Conference (0-2), to the next regular scheduled Meeting date; 4th Tuesday, January 16, 2010. Start time will be 8:00 PM. Lewis, D. will hostess the Skype conference.
Posted by Fred at 12:13 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year to the Class of 67!!!

Dear Classmates,
It's been a year since my last message but I don't want you to think I don't still LUVYA. Best wishes for the next 364&1/4 days - may they all be happy! T
Please let me know if you would prefer to schedule Homecoming or July 4th for the " '67 Again in Ten" 2010 Class Get-Together. We will go with the majority preference. "67 - On! T
Northwestern in 1911. The W.A.S. Foster home, later the first Brooktrails Lodge, is the first recognizable building on left, half hidden in trees. Next to it is the old cookhouse, abandoned when Mrs. Foster complained of its proximity to her home. Two-story building at far right is the “new” cookhouse where single millworkers ate. Large building still standing, now a cabin at Brooktrails Lodge. Homes in the background were for married workers and their families.
Photo and text from Northglow Magazine
Hello Dear Classmates,
I truly hope everyone is well, warm, and snug for the season! I apologize for not answering emails timely. I have taken a job to help a friend bring his company into OSHA compliance. He is a general contractor operating mostly in the LA/Orange/Riverside area. He is based in Brea which is about 75 miles from here. Given varying traffic, it can take over three hours to make the drive. Therefore, I stay quite a bit of the week with my daughter in Long Beach. By the time I get in (and usually take her to dinner) I go to bed. So, I don't get to the email like a should. I will try to do better. Tonight when I got home I had 129 messages. Happily, most were from you, Classmates - love it!
Attached are the Minutes from the last Class Planning Group Meeting Conference. Please check them out as there have been some changes. The schedule for regular Meetings has been adjusted from the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to the 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. Start time has been adjusted form 8:30 PM to 8:00 PM so the Classmates farther east can get to bed somewhat reasonably. The next Meeting - Conference will be Skype Hosted (Hostessed) by Denise Lewis. Ken Runyan will be going back to the hospital in the City, on January 11th, for a stint in the other carotid artery. While he is out, Denise has volunteered (actually we pressured her) to hostess the Skype. (I kind of feel sorry for Denise, she really likes being a member of the Class but she does all the work. That's why we need more people in the Planning Group. We need new ideas for Class projects and fresh ideas about how to trick Denise into doing them) If you would like to start the new year off by joining in on the Class Planning (pummeling Denise with work), get with her to set up your Skype with hers. By the way, Skinner jumped in a couple Conferences ago.Rich has been providing ideas and recommendations and the Group is much better for his contributions!Reatha has a new email address:
Eddie has recovered from his artery exploration and is spending the Holidays with his sons in San Diego County. If anyone has his new cell phone number please send it to me. I've been trying to get in touch with him down here to get together before he goes back to Fortuna.
Now for the mushy part - Another Class of '67 Year has gone by. I hope everyone enjoyed it and enjoyed being a '67 Wolverine Classmate as much as I did. It seems my more-recent Class memories are beginning to overshadow my less-recent Class memories. Homecoming was an absolute gas and I am still smiling and laughing about the Birthdays Party - God Bless Classmate Mitch and his pirate hat! I really enjoyed painting the float signs which lasted not nearly long enough and I really enjoy coming in to a long list of messages from my Classmates from afar. I value you dearly.Your really are the best of Classmates, the best of people, and the best of friends. I remain yours for the new year and beyond and May God Save THE Class. TT
Northwestern Redwood Company Mill in 1911. Millpond, shown in Northwestern picture, is visible at upper right. Stacked wood at upper left was used to fire huge steam boilers in the plant. Eventually so much power was generated that the surplus went to provide electricity for Willits. Housing for single workers is shown on hillside behind the mill. Originals of both photographs were provided by William Bittenbender of Ukiah.
Photo & text from Northglow Magazine
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (9-28), 8:30 PM, December 15, 2009
Call to Order – Tufts, Runyan hosting Skype
Roll Call
Lewis, D.
Old Business:
Class Bench/Time Capsule Project – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Runyan, for Formslag, no meeting with Principal Oslund regarding Class Bench design options/preferences and installation location options has been secured. Formslag/Runyan will seek to schedule same with the Principal. Runyan; will work on updated Project Schedule after the Holidays. Group, there was no substantive discussion regarding presentation points, the Group did thank Runyan for his professional commitment and work on the Project.
Class Scholarship Program Snider-Herrick (EC)/Formslag/Marlett/Runyan/Tufts; Snider-Herrick provided comments regarding reinstitution of the existing Program guide document and invited partnership with Classmates in furthering Program details and schedule points; Reed, provided feedback report regarding access way options to “tax-exempt” status storage of Class Scholarship Funds. Those options included status for the Class, “partnering” with the School/others, utilization of purpose-intended storage entities; Group discussion focused on a desire to seek Class control as a priority in a funding storage option; Reed, volunteered to provide further investigation into options and to provide support to Snider-Herrick with Program management; Group, through Snider-Herrick, directed Reed to provide further investigation regarding funds storage and return to the Group with a “pros vs cons” report of options; Snider-Herrick, opened a discussion regarding the value of centralizing elements of the Program; Group, discussion/decision to foster centralization of the Program; Snider-Herrick, recommendation to move the Program Control Document from herself to Reed for purposes of centralized Program coordination. Group, discussion. Skinner, motion (behind recommendation by Snider-Herrick) to move program coordination to Reed, Lewis, D., 2nd, unanimous. Accepted by Reed; Snider-Herrick will move Program control document to Reed through Lewis, D.
'67 Again in Ten (Class Get-Together 2010) – Tufts, Feedback report regarding Class-wide preference for a 2010 Class Get Together date, reported no feedback from the Class at large has been received; Group, discussion, decision to go out to the Class again to seek feedback re Get-Together
Old Business (continued):
'67 Again in Ten (continued) – date preference, direction to Tufts to email the Class to see feedback.
Class Sweatshirts – Buletti-Wharton (C)/Runyan/Tufts; The Chairwoman was unavailable to introduce discussion, item to be moved to the next Meeting
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T); update Report, no treasury activity this reporting period, fund balance remains unchanged: $1620.00; Group, discussion/decision to accept Treasurer's Report, direction to Treasurer to continue to control Class funds in the manner with which he has been proceeding
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM); was unavailable to report
New Business:
Introduction of discussion and possible action to change regular Class Planning Group Meeting – Conference, schedule from 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, Derego-Brown through Tufts; Group, discussion/decision to change regular Class Planning Group Meeting – Conference schedule from 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month and to change regular Meeting – Conference start times from 8:30 PM to 8:00 PM, direction to Tufts to email Class to notify re schedule changes and adjust Meeting – Conference agendas to reflect changes
“For the Good of the Class” - Snider-Herrick wished the Class a Merry Christmas/Happy New Year as did all in attendance; Numerous comments regarding Marlett's clean bill of health and his return; Tufts, reported Runyan will be going to San Fransisco for a stint on the second side carotid artery on January 11th, many comments of support by the Group; Tamme's birthday – 12/16, the Group wished her a happy day; general comments about the end of the year and what a super year it was for the Classmates
Meeting Schedule – Group, confirmed next Meeting will be a Skype Conference to begin 8:00 PM, January 12, 2010 (2nd Tuesday); Lewis, D. to host the Skype
The Meeting was adjourned
Posted by Fred at 9:03 PM 1 comments