We thought everyone might like to see a small sampling of replies, efforts, and success we are experiencing as we continue the quest to find and invite classmates to the reunion...
Hello Classmates, Cathy Newton Turner is coming. Michelle found her and communicated. Ellen Derego finally is confirmed contacted and she is coming. Credit Michelle's work. M, also, spoke with Janice Scarberry Keeton. It sounds like Janice is on the fence. Couple Classmates better call her get her there. It would be nice to see her and the Class would be more complete with her in attendance. I have asked Michelle to forward Janice's phone number is possible. I will advise. Eddie Marlet will be speaking with Charlotte this weekend. She told me she would be coming but I asked Eddie to strengthen the request for her attendance. Hope to see everyone at Richard's. T
Hello everyone, Stand by for happy reunion news. Just had an email from Walter Smith. He is working out of the Country but WILL MAKE THE REUNION. Have your "Out of the Country" questions ready for him!!!!!! Luvyas, T
Hi Fred,
Thanks much! Seeing the names listed on your and Tom's e-mails is making me smile. Am looking forward to seeing you all.
Al (Baeskens)
Hey T, Just spoke with Diane Harms Griswold in Idaho, and she is going to try her best to make the reunion. She is still farming, so she can't plan that far ahead with total certainty. Gaylene Whited Austin lives in Boise and is going to make a trip to Willits around August 25 for a week, so Diane may ride with her. Here is her email to add to the list. I sent her the blog. Later. F
I am truly impressed by the all the work you and other classmates put in. It will be a great reunion. Looking forward to seeing you all. Any luck locating teachers?
Felix (Seto)
Hi everyone,
I just wrote (snail mail) a letter to Mrs. Conant and Mrs. Rockefeller, notifying them about our 41st reunion. I know Mrs. Rockefeller is living with my brother Barry in Willits, and I have a current address for Mrs. Conant, so hope Mrs. Conant will respond with her e-mail address. Then we can notify her of the final plans.
Still have not been able to find Karen Northington, so if anyone can help please do. Kudos to the entire committee and we are going to have the best reunion ever.
Marilyn (Mickle)
That's so funny about the football game as I give credit to the fact that I probably ruined my knee playing that great game. I will play bad knee or not and if I have a little metal in it watch out if you play running back. Looking forward to seeing you.
Mike (Fagan)
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