Hello everyone,
Here is my draft of a scholarship application....starting without a standard or common WHS Scholarship Application, I merged my ideas, e-mails, conversations & the applications used by Ukiah High School & the Community Foundation of Mendocino County. Today, I returned to the WHS Home Page to see if I could learn the definitive description for Bob Colvig - was it Counselor or Counseling or Guidance Counselor? It is Counseling Department. There are many updates & additions to the site. Found the "Common Scholarship Application for Willits Business & Service Clubs". Please look at the "Willits High School Home Page".
then select Counseling
then select Scholarships
then select Local Scholarship Application .... also new info if one
then selects Local Scholarships 2009
The "Common Scholarship Application for Willits Business and Service Clubs" is a different approach from my draft.................................s
Here is the letter and the application form.....
Willits High School
249 N. Main Street
Willits, CA 95490
February 3, 2009
TO: The June 2009 Graduates of Willits High School, Willits, CA
FROM: Classmates of 1967 Willits High School, Willits, CA
We are offering a scholarship(s) to students who will graduate from Willits High School, Willits, CA in June 2009 who have applied to/been accepted by/plan to attend a trade school, college or university.
Applications are available in the Counseling Department.
Deadline for turning in the application to the Counseling Department at WHS is 3 p.m., Wednesday, March 25, 2009.
Applications may be completed in handwriting, using a PC or typewritten.
Applicant’s Name:
Home Address:
Contact Information (home phone/cell phone/e-mail address or other):
The names & occupation of your Mother/Father/Guardian(s):
The ages of siblings:
The Trade School/College/University where you have applied/been accepted or plan to attend & the date you will start:
The reason you plan to further your education at this institution:
Pg 2 of 4 - Application WHS 1967
Applicant’s Name:
Home Address:
Contact Information (home phone/cell phone/e-mail address or other):
The names & occupation of your Mother/Father/Guardian(s):
The ages of siblings:
The Trade School/College/University where you have applied/been accepted or plan to attend & the date you will start:
The reason you plan to further your education at this institution:
Pg 2 of 4 - Application WHS 1967
Applicant’s Name:
Use this space or attach additional pages if needed.
1. What are your short-term & long-term education & career goals?
2. What are your reasons for establishing these goals?
3. Why are you a good or the best candidate for this scholarship?
4. What is your most meaningful achievement & how does it relate or not relate to your future goals?
5. What is a special attribute or accomplishment that sets you apart?
6. Do you contribute by being a leader or a follower or working alone?
Would you rather have a different role in the future & why?
Pg 3 of 4 Application WHS 1967
Applicant’s Name:
Use this space or attach additional pages if needed.
1. What are your short-term & long-term education & career goals?
2. What are your reasons for establishing these goals?
3. Why are you a good or the best candidate for this scholarship?
4. What is your most meaningful achievement & how does it relate or not relate to your future goals?
5. What is a special attribute or accomplishment that sets you apart?
6. Do you contribute by being a leader or a follower or working alone?
Would you rather have a different role in the future & why?
Pg 3 of 4 Application WHS 1967
Applicant’s Name:
1. Student Government areas & grade:
2. Membership in clubs/organizations & grade:
3. Awards/honors/achievements & grade:
4. Community/Neighborhood/Volunteer activities & grade:
5. Athletics & grade:
6. Art/Performing Arts & grade:
7. Employment/Money Making Endeavors (successful or not) & grade:
8. Other:
Pg 4 of 4 Application WHS 1967
Applicant’s Name:
Attach a copy of your high school transcript(s).
Attach 1 or 2 short letters/memos of recommendation.
Signature: Date:
Printed Name:
If under 18 & not an Emancipated Minor, signature of parent/guardian:
Printed Name:
G.P.A. Size of anticipated graduating class: Rank in Class:
To date # of school days:
Excused absences:
Unexcused absences:
Counselor Signature:
Printed Name:

Hello Great Classmates,
Hope this finds all well! Attached is the Agenda for the next Class Planning Meeting - Conference. The meeting is scheduled for 8 PM Tuesday February 3rd. It will be held utilizing the Skype internet conference. The Skype program is a cost-free download. If, like I did, you would like some coaching on setting up the Skype, give Runyan a call (707-354-1864). It would be good to have everyone in on this conference becasue there will be an initial discussion regarding a Class get-together at Homecoming this year (2009). Also, there will be action on our class Scholarship, the Class "Where's Waldo" Mapping, Class blog, and a Treasurer's Repport. Also, Also, There is an open forum for any discussion topic/comment with value to the Class. The meetings usually take 45 mintes to an hour or so. HOPE you are involved.'67-on, Great Classmates, '67-ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (9-3), 8 PM, February 3, 2009
Call to Order
Roll Call
Call for Reading of the Agenda
Approval of Minutes: January 6, 2009
January 20, 2009
Old Business:
Class of '67 Scholarship Program – Snider-Herrick (EC)/Burton-James/Olenik/Reed, update report; possible Group discussion/recommendation(s)
Class “Where's Waldo” Program – Formslag (CO)/Leishman/Runyan, status report; possible Group discussion/recommendation(s)
Leishman, Dynamic Map technical update report; possible Group discussion/recommendation(s)
Runyan, Static Map technical update report, possible Group discussion/recommendation(s)
Home Coming '09 – Olenik (C)/Snider-Herrick/Tufts,
status report; possible Group discussion/decision/direction

Snider-Herrick, technical report, WHS schedule/activities; possible Group discussion/decision/direction
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik, update report; possible Group discussion/decision/direction
Treasurer's Report – Runyan, update report
Group, receive Treasurer's Report, possible discussion; accept/reject Report
New Business: no New Business was requested to be agendized for this Meeting
AGENDA, Group Meeting – Conference (9-3), 8 PM, February 3, 2009
page 2
“For the Good of the Class” - Group, open comments/discussion of any nature valuable to the Class; possible Group decision(s)/direction(s) Meeting Schedule – Next Meeting: 8 PM, February 17, 2009, third Tuesday); Group, confirm next Meeting schedule
Adjourn Meeting
Hello Class Planning Group Types, This is transmitting an attachment of the Minutes of the last Group meeting - Jan 20th. I will try to get an agenda out for this coming Tuesday. Hope all well!

Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (9-2), 8 PM, January 20, 2009
Call to Order – Olenik
Roll Call:
Call for Reading of the Agenda – There was no Call for Reading
Approval of Minutes – Approval of Minutes of the January 6, 2009 meeting was not addressed
Old Business:
Class of '67 Scholarship Program – Snider-Herrick (EC)/Burton-James/Olenik/Reed, Status report from the Executive Coordinator, Snider-Herrick will coordinate protocol-oriented communications with Bob Colvig (WHS); (Snider-Herrick will, to assist with Class Event planning, inquire regarding Homecoming 2009 scheduling and events);
Group, discussion/decision to limit the awarding of Class of '67 Scholarships only to students of WHS
Group, discussion/decision to maintain simplicity in the Class of '67 Scholarship Application and selection process
Snider-Herrick, will provide the Planning Group with a draft Application for review and feedback prior to next meeting
Class “Where's Waldo” Program – Formslag (C)/Leishman/Runyan, status report through Olenik, Leishman has provided an updated Google Earth file with the current photos and addresses of Classmates; Leishman and Olenik are coordinating to provide the Class “Where's Waldo” on the Class blog
Runyan, no change in status regarding the Class “Where's Waldo” static map
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM), update report, advised new items have been placed on the Class blog; the Class blog goal is to provide weekly updates and additions
MINUTES, Group Meeting – Conference (9-2), 8 PM, January 20, 2009
page 2
Treasurer's Report – Runyan, update report, advised there have been no transactions since the last Group meeting, balance remains $2038
New Business:
Homecoming '09 Event – Olenik, presented concept of a Class Get-Together Event at Homecoming 2009
Group, discussion/decision to determine Homecoming '09 schedule and details as a first step in planing; direction to Snider-Herrick to seek Homecoming '09 information from Bob Colvig (WHS) when she communicates re Class of '67 Scholarship
“For the Good of the Class” Group – Positive comments across the Group about the progress being made on the Scholarship Program
Meeting Schedule – Group, affirmed the next Meeting – Conference will be as per the regular scheduling for a “first Tuesday: on February 3, 2009; the start time will be 8 PM; Runyan will host Skype
The Meeting was adjourned
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