Dear '67 Wolverine Classmates, I hope this finds everyone well and happy! It seems everyone I speak with is super busy. Same report here. The Class Planning Group is no different. The Minutes of the last Meeting - Conference (April 21 - 3rd Tuesday) are attached. As they are somewhat lengthy, I will not provide a complete rundown this time. However, they are posted on the blog where you may review them for details. In a nutshell, the Class Scholarship Program is on track. Our interview panel will sit with the Applicants on the weekend of May 16. Bruce and Ken R. are doing the liaison work directly with the School and our interview panel is coming from both home and afar.
The '09 Homecoming and 60th Birthdays Party get-together is gaining momentum. There has been discussion of a "Meet and Greet" with other Classes, the Star Spangled Banner, a Class Float(don't get nervous until you read the details on the blog), maybe a museum tour, and I can't remember what else all. Then there will be the Birthdays Party Saturday. Looks like more over-eating to be followed by cake and music. Oh, The Planning Group would like everyone's feedback regarding Class Sweatshirts. Thinking it might be chilly at the football game and we need an identifying mark, the Group is considering Class Sweatshirts. The leaning is toward 1st quality hooded sweatshirts in dark green with yellow/gold printing of a Class of '67 logo. If a bulk purchase can be made, a below-market price may be had. Please let Fred O (the Blogmaster) or me (the at times long-winded e-mailmaster) know if you have any likes / dislikes re sweatshirts. As of now, nothing has been finalized regarding logos, etc.
The next Class Planning Group Meeting - Conference, which would be enhanced by your participation, will be Tuesday May 5, 8 PM. Contact K. Brown or K. Runyan to get your Skype ready to go. K B - 707-459-4065, K R - 707-354-1864.Again, Hope all well and enjoying the first part of Spring. '67-On!!!!!! T PS - Looks lile Homecoming will be October 16. PPS - Class time capsule to be intered at the School during Homecoming get-together. Get your item together!!! T

Willits High School Class of '67 Planning Group Meeting
Group Meeting – Conference (9-8), 8 PM, April 21, 2009
Call to Order – Tufts, Runyan hosting Skype
Roll Call:
Formslag, Snider-Herrick, Lewis, D, Marlett, Runyan, Tucker-Thompson, Tufts
Call for Reading of the Agenda – No Call was made
Approval of Minutes – April 7, 2009 Minutes were approved
Old Business:
Class of '67 Scholarship Program – Snider-Herrick (EC)/Formslag/Olenik/ Runyan, status report through the Coordinator, Program is moving forward, Application is to the School; Formslag/Runyan – School Liaison report, met with School representatives Principal Oslund and Colvig, Application will be posted, Formslag/Runyan will pick up completed Applications at the School Thursday 4/30 or Friday 5/1, will screen for completeness and will, potentially, will eliminate those found to be deficient, will e-mail complete Applications to interview panel members for review, interview panel members will complete a paper review, for purposes of a potential preliminary cut, prior to the 5/5/09 Planing Group Meeting and will prepare comments to be presented and discussed for possible decision(s) at the 5/5/09 Planning Group Meeting; Formslag/Runyan will finalize the date and venue for the interviews, will establish “per-applicant” interview time allowances/scheduling, and will provide notification methodology
Class “Where's Waldo” Program – Formslag (C)/Leishman/Runyan, status report through the Chair, no change in Program status; Formslag will communicate with Leishman regarding Program status
Homecoming '09 and Class 60th Birthdays Party – Olenik/Tufts(co-C)/all members, status report through the co Chairs, the tentative Homecoming date is October 16, Formslag/Runyan will attempt to confirm with the School when they pick up the Scholarship Programs; Formslag/Runyan, School Liaison report, the School is very supportive regarding Class of '67 activities during Homecoming and
Homecoming and Class 60th Birthdays Party - will try to assist, the cafeteria or the quad will be available for a “Meet and Greet” and/or Bar-B-Q either or both before and after the football game; Runyan, trailer/float report, the School will allow us to have a “float” at the football game, Runyan's trailer is on offer/Runyan will facilitate regarding trailer/float logistics
Tufts, Class Sweatshirts report - the screen printer requires front money to produce art work, camera shots, and screeen and to procure shirts, to obtain bulk pricing it is necessary to order shirts by the color-size dozen, to move forward with Class sweatshirts a decision will be needed to either 1) assume the costs risk and provide front-money funding from the treasury or 2) pre-establish purchasers and receive deposits prior to ordering; Group, discussion, direction to Tufts to advise the Class regarding the option of Class sweatshirts (w/ any proceeds going the the Class Scholarship Fund) and seek feedback regarding Classmates' interest (Tufts will e-mail the Class);
Runyan, Time Capsule project report - Runyan discussed the concept with the School representatives, the School is in strong support of placing a Class time capsule, Runyan is provide a capsule should the Class pursue the project; Group, discussion/direction to Tufts to place a New Business “Time Capsule Project” item on the 5/5/09 Planning Group Meeting Agenda
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM), the Class blog has been updated, Homecoming and Class B'day info will be posted as it becomes confirmed; Class, feedback has been received from Classmates at large praising the good information and timely updating of the Class blog and thanking Olenik for managing/maintaining
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T), reported there have been no transactions this reporting period all funds are deposited, balances remains unchanged ($2038); Group, discussion/decision to accept the Treasurer's Report, direction to Runyan to continue to control funds in the manner with which he has been proceeding
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM), the Class blog has been updated, Homecoming and Class B'day info will be posted as it becomes confirmed; Class, feedback has been received from Classmates at large praising the good information and timely updating of the Class blog and thanking Olenik for managing/maintaining
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T), reported there have been no transactions this reporting period all funds are deposited, balances remains unchanged ($2038); Group, discussion/decision to accept the Treasurer's Report, direction to Runyan to continue to control funds in the manner with which he has been proceeding
New Business:
Rockefeller Writing presentation – Mickle-Lindstrom (Tufts), in Mickle-Lindstrom's absence, reported there are writings by Ruth Rockefeller with local history/value, they are available for distribution/display at the Homecoming “Meet and Greet”, item will be carried forward to the 5/5/09 Planning Group Meeting Agenda, Mickle-Lindstrom will provide a future report with greater detail; Group, received the presentation
“For the Good of the Class” - Group, open comments/discussion of any nature having value to the Class; various members, comments of thanks to others for their contributions to the Class, comments of excitement regarding the Scholarship Program and the Homecoming/60th B'day Party
Meeting Schedule – Next Meeting was affirmed as May 5, 2009 as per the regular 1st Tuesday scheduling; Runyan will host Skype. Meeting was adjourned
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