Hello Boys and Girls of the WHS Class of 1967, Be it known our veins are filled with the blood of Wolverines! I have attached three docs for your review/comment/feedback. Firstly, you will find the Minutes of the last Class Planning Group Meeting -Conference. Nextly, is the Agenda for the next CPGM-C. And (drum Roll, please) lastly, but not leastly, is possibly the most inportant - a Schedule of Time Blocks. The Time Block Schedule is intended as an aide in Planning the '09 Homecoming and 60th Birthdays Party for this October. Please take a look at it and jot down anything you would enjoy having as part of the the get-together. Anything is fair game ( except acting like '66's or '68's) (I mean, come on, there's got to be some limits*) and the more thoughts the better. Please feedback your Time Block ideas and they will be incorporated into the '09 H'c'ing and 60th BDP planning. The Minutes will have backbone info re the Class Scholarship Awards. Check the Class BLOG for details including comments by our Scholarship Awards presentation representative. Also, there has transpire
d a trans-state brownie transfer transgression that may have transfigured certain subcommittee translates and may, also, have transcended some previously transparent trusts between a certain brownie transferee and others who were not made aware of the brownie transportation and who, now, are so pissed they may transmogrify or need a transfusion. Hope all well! TT
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (9-12), 8:30 PM, June 16, 2009
Call to Order
Roll Call
Call for Reading of the Agenda
Approval of Minutes – June 2, 2009
Old Business:
Class of '67 Scholarship Program – Snider-Herrick (EC)/Formslag/Marlett/Runyan, update report; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
Class “Where's Waldo” Program – Formslag (C)/Leishman/Runyan, update report; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
Homecoming '09 and Class 60th Birthdays Party – Olenik/Tufts (co-C), item tabled through to July 6, 2009 Meeting – Conference to allow time to develop event time blocks recommendations, Float subcommittee options, “Run-Through Banner” recommendation, and liaison to the School
Class Time Capsule – Runyan (C)/Formslag/Huddle/Leishman/Marlett, item tabled through to July 6, 2009 Meeting – Conference to allow for Project Plan development
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM), update Report; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T), update Report; Group, possible discussion; accept/reject Report; possible decision(s)/direction(s)
New Business: no New Business was requested to be agendized for this Meeting
“For the Good of the Class” - Group, open comments /discussion of any nature having value to the Class; possible decision(s)/direction(s)
Meeting Schedule – Next Meeting: 8:30 PM, July 6, 2009 (1st Tuesday): Group, confirm next Meeting schedule
Adjourn Meeting
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (9-11), 8:30 PM June 2, 2009
Call to Order – Tufts, Runyan hosting Skype
Roll Call:
Lewis, D.
Call for Reading of the Agenda – There was no call for reading
Approval of Minutes - May 19, 2009 Minutes were approved
Old Business:
Class of '67 Scholarship Program – Tabled forward from May 12 Special Meeting – Snyder-Herrick (EC)/Formslag/Marlett/Runyan, Formslag/Marlett/Runyan, update report through the EC, Formslag, Marlett, and Runyan interviewed nine student applicants for Class Scholarship Awards, subcommittee returned to the Planning Group and recommended three $567 Scholarship Awards be provided, one each to Alicia Welling, Crystal Cardona, and Jillian Roberts; Group, discussion/decision to accept the subcommittee recommendation to provide three scholarships to those students named, direction through the EC, to the subcommittee, to award three three scholarships to those students named
Class “Where's Waldo” Program – Formslag (C)/Leishman/Runyan, update report, no change in Program status
Homecoming '09 and Class 60th Birthdays Party – Olenik/Tufts (co-C)/all Classmates, Tufts – motion to table to July 6, 2009 Meeting – Conference to allow for focus on completion of Scholarship Program Awards and to develop Homecoming and Birthdays Party Time Blocks recommendations, Float subcommittee options, “Run-Through Banner” recommendation; and Liaison to the School; Group, discussion/decision to table through to July 6, 2009
Rockefeller Writings – Mickle-Lindstrom, presented a brief history of the Rockefeller Writings, Advised the Group regarding the availability of the Writings for benevolent distribution; Group, discussion/decision/direction to Mickle-Lindstrom to provide the Writings at the Homecoming and 60th Birthdays Party event for review and/or taking by the Class and others
Class Time Capsule – Runyan(C)/Formslag/Huddle/Leishman/Marlett, recommendation by the Chair to table through to July 6, 2009 Meeting – Conference to allow for completion of the Class Scholarship Awards and to allow for Project Plan development; Group, discussion/decision to table to July 6, 2009 Meeting – Conference
BLOG Manger's Report – Olenik (BM) was unavailable to report
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T), update Report, there have been no transactions this reporting period, all funds are deposited, balance remains unchanged at $2038; Group, discussion/decision to accept the Treasurer's Report, direction to the Treasurer to continue to control funds in the manner with which he has been proceeding
New Business: no New Business was agendized for this Meeting
“For the Good of the Class” - Runyan (subcommittee Chair), thanked Snider-Herrick for sending brownies; Snider-Herrick, advised the brownies were intended for the Scholarship Program interview panel; Formslag/Marlett – commented they had no knowledge of brownies from Snider-Herrick or otherwise; Formslag, left the Meeting temporarily to check Runyan's refrigerator; Marlett, provided solemn comments on the record and various linked threats off the record; Snider-Herrick, advised she will send more brownies to the subcommittee to be addressed not through the subcommittee Chair; Group-wide comments of appreciation and thanks to the Scholarship Program Committee members; Group-wide comments of anticipation for the Homecoming and 60th Birthdays Party get-together this October; Lewis, D., advised the Group, Jim Reed is nearing completion of his continuing education requirement; Tufts, advised the Group, Soulliere-Falgout is moving into the new house that will replace the home lost to the hurricane, they are finishing up the kitchen as the next milestone
Meeting Schedule – Group, confirmed the next Meeting will be the Regular 3rd Tuesday Planning Group Meeting – Conference to begin at 8:30 PM, June 16, 2009; Runyan will host Skype
The Meeting was adjourned
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Homecoming '09 and Class 60th Birthdays Party
Friday October 16, 2009
Afternoon – 12 pm -
Early Evening – pregame/JV game
Evening – varsity game
Late Evening -post game
Saturday October 17, 2009
Early Morning – 8 am – 10 am
Late Morning – 10 am – 12 am
Mid Day – noon – 1 pm
Early Afternoon – 1 pm – 3 pm
Late Afternoon – 3 pm – 5 pm
Early Evening – 5 pm – 7 pm
Evening – 7 pm – 10 pm
Late evening – 10 pm - ?
Sunday October 18, 2009
Early Morning – 8 am - 10 am
Late Morning – 10 am – 12 pm
Midday – noon - ?
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