Dear Classmates,
Hope everyone well and enjoying the Season to be Jolly! I'm still jolly thinking about the great time I had over the Homecoming and Birthdays Party weekend. I can, also, report things remain stable in SoCal - Plenty of concrete and traffic under the tree this year for all; even if Santa doesn't show, I'm slayed by it!
Anyway, I have attached the minutes from the December 1st Class Planning Meeting - Conference and the Agenda for this Tuesday's (3rd of the month) Conference. AS you will see by the Minutes, the 12/1 Meeting was very brief with no Class Business being discussed/decided because the Group was pretty much 23152"i" (under the influence of illness). In fact, illness kept many regulars away and some of those attending were physically ill - your call mentally.
Attend this Tuesday's Meeting - Conference if you can. Remember, this is the Class of '67; we need the strength of numbers! Also, I was possibly overcome by Holiday spirit, but I was thinking how nice it would be to have a Class Holiday get-together some year. Any thoughts (about a Holiday get-together)? I wonder if Mich Hood would wrap up his "pirate hat" and put it under the tree for another Classmate? If I ever get to have a Christmas get-together I hope it is with all of you! My memories are only exceeded by my feelings. Hope to speak with you Tuesday evening and see you before too long. Best regards, TT '67-On!
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (9-28), 8:30 PM, December 15, 2009
Call to Order
Roll Call
Call for Reading of the Agenda
Old Business:
Class Bench/Time Capsule Project – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Through the PM, Runyan/Formslag, possible feedback report from Principal Oslund regarding Bench design and installation location options; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s); Group; feedback to the PM and discussion regarding the Project Schedule, possible decision(s)/direction(s)
Class Scholarship Program – Snider-Herrick (EC)/Formslag/Marlett/Runyan/Tufts; possible presentation of draft Program Guide Document; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s); Reed, possible feedback report regarding feasibility of gaining “non-profit” status for managing Class funds; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s); Formslag, possible feedback report regarding storing Class funds with the Willits Rotary Club; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s); Willits Booster Club Liaison Subcommittee – Runyan(C)/Formslag; through the Chair, possible feedback report regarding possibilities of associating with the Willits Boosters Club for purposes of storing Class funds; Group, possible discussion/ decision(s)/direction(s)
“'67 Again in Ten” (Class Get-Together 2010) – Tufts, feedback report regarding Class preference as to the 2010 Class Get-Together date preference; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
Class Sweatshirts – Buletti-Wharton (C)/Runyan/Tufts; Tufts, through the Chair, reintroduction of general discussion regarding Class sweatshirts; Group, possible discussion/decision(s)/direction(s)
Treasurer's Report – Runyan (T); update Report; Group, possible discussion; accept/reject Treasurer's Report; possible decision(s)/direction(s)
BLOG Manager's Report – Olenik (BM); update Report; Group, possible discussion / decision(s) / direction(s)
New Business:
Class Planning Meetings Schedule – Derrego-Brown through Tufts, Introduction of request to adjust the scheduling of Class Plannig Meetings to the first snd third Tuesdays of each month. Group, possible discussion/decision/direction(s)
“For the Good of the Class” - Group, Open comments/discussion(s) of any nature having value to the Class, possible decisions)/direction(s)
Meeting Schedule – Next Meeting: 8:30 PM, December 15, 2009 (regular 3rd Tuesday); Group, confirm next Meeting schedule
Willits High Class of '67 Planning Group
Group Meeting – Conference (9-27), 8:30 PM, December 1, 2009
Call to Order – Tufts, Runyan hosting Skype
Roll Call
Lewis, D.
Old Business:
Class Bench/Time Capsule Project – Runyan (PM)/Formslag/Huddle/Marlett/Tufts; Runyan, Motion to continue the presentation and Meeting Conference to December 15, 2009 (regular 3rd Tuesday) due to the impacts of illness on the Group, 2nd Tucker-Thompson, unanimous
No further Class Business discussion.
Meeting Conference Agenda rescheduled, per motion/vote from the floor, for December 15, 2009 (regular 3rd Tuesday)
Next Meeting – Conference: December 15, 2009 (regular 3rd Tuesday), 8:30 PM, Runyan to host Skype
The Meeting was adjourned
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