Hello '67 Wolverine Classmates,
Hope this finds everyone well and happy! Here are the Minutes of the last Class Planning Group Meeting - Conference. The Meeting was held on Tuesday Feb 17 at 8 PM.
Discussion/Action items included the Class of '67 Scholarship Program, Class "Where's Waldo" Mapping, the Homecoming '09 Class get-together, and a Class 60th Birthdays Party (to be combined with the Homecoming event).
There was also a Class blog update report, and a Treasurer's report. "For the Good of the Class" open forum Eddie Marlett reported he will be staying in the Fortuna area but will have a new phone number and mailing address. He will provide his new contact information to the Class when it becomes established.
Bruce Formslag reported Ken Runyan is well and healthy. Please try to sit in on the coming Class Planning Meetings. They are regularly scheduled for the first ahd third Tuesdays of each month. They begin at 8 PM. The Planning Group conferences utilizing the Skype conferencing software on the computers. If you would like some coaching on setting up the Skype on your computer call Ken Runyan (707-354-1864). He'll get you "good-to-go" on the Skype. If you do not have computer access you can telephone a Classmate with the Skype set-up and paticpate. The meeting are usually about 60-75 minutes and are great fun.
If you cannot sit in, please send any and all ideas for a Class get-together at Homecoming this year to Fred Olenik. Fred will catalog the ideas and present them at the next Planning Meeting. Freddie is on the compter or at 801-226-1063. He is usually in after midnight - tell himn Tommy T suggested you call. Regarding the Class blog, Fred wants everyone to remember the Class blog is for the Class and is available to all Classmates for posting any information or item having value to the Class. Just let Fred know and he will put you stuff on the Class blog. He updates weekly.Yes, the Boy is and Overacheiver but take advantage of him and share your info with the Class!!!
I had a nice call from Vernell last week. She is working on finishing up a new house at Hattiesburg, Mississippi. She is well, sounds sparkely, and is enthusiastically looking forward to seeing everyone again soon. I enjoyed the conversation immensely!!!Again, hope this finds everyone well and hope EVERYONE sits in on the March 3rd Class Planning Meeting!!!!! '67-On! TT

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